We believe art has the power to inspire positive change in the world.


RuckusRoots is ARTivism for people and the planet.

RuckusRoots is a Los Angeles-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to creating art programs that cultivate environmental awareness and action in local communities.

  • In Schools

    In public, charter and alternative schools, our versatile and adaptable programs offer interactive, sustainable arts opportunities for elementary and middle school youth.

  • Apprenticeships

    Our apprenticeship-style programs pair teens and/or young adults with professional artist-activists to gain experience in art-making with a message.

  • In Communities

    As one-time pop-ups or multi-week offerings, our multigenerational workshops harness the power of creative reuse and place-based art-making to foster engagement.



Research shows that concepts like environmental justice and climate change can feel overwhelming and discouraging. Collaborative art-making offers an effective way to address these engagement challenges by cultivating opportunities for dialogue, empathy and connection.



increase in feelings of connectivity to their community


increase in feeling creatively inspired