Since our founding in 2011, our programs have positively impacted participants in the following key areas:
Artistic skill-building
Collaboration and community connection
Environmental awareness and action
Waste diversion from landfill into artworks
Creative confidence and inspiration
2023 Program Hours:
In the past 5 years:
Where We Work:
Recent Program Evaluations Reveal:
increase in feelings of connectivity to their community
increase in creative collaboration skills
increase in feeling creatively inspired
increase in confidence levels pertaining to public artmaking
Our Audience:
Since 2011, our programs have converted over 25,000 pieces of trash into art.
Our recent impact reports tell the in-depth story of how our work strengthens communities through creativity and connection:
Art is at our core…
Artmaking serves as the primary learning medium in all of our programmatic offerings, while nature is our inspiration, our classroom and our toolkit.
In 2023, we taught:
Basic color theory
Public Art-making, design and installation
Collaborative collage with recycled materials
Watercolor + acrylic painting techniques
Drawing from observation
3D clay modeling + painting
Mural design, gridding + painting
Guerilla sign painting
Recycled paper crafting
Garden design + more!
What Folks Are Saying About Our Work…
"I have been donating to RuckusRoots for the past decade, evaluating its results every year, and I cannot imagine my money going to a better use. It is innovative, dedicated and effective.
As far as I am concerned, it is where my money is going in this sector.
Highly recommended."
— Robert, donor
"I am moved & inspired by the deeply purposeful work that Ruckus Roots is responsible for.
I truly believe my community is a better place for the work they do in connecting youth to the arts in profound & amazing ways”
— Anonymous, donor
"I think that RuckusRoots offered us an amazing opportunity to enrich our regular lessons with art and eco-education.
Allowing students a chance to learn art techniques and practice them while simultaneously learning about sustainability offered a chance for them to become stewards of the environment and truly make a difference!”
— Stephanie, classroom teacher